Welcome to Terrance International Pty. Ltd.



Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint is a flexible, responsive and customisable platform that businesses prefer for content management, collaboration, workflow creation, and business process automation. Your content is stored and organised in one place, providing you with the ability to share and access from virtually anywhere. We offer three approaches to the licensing and implementation of Microsoft SharePoint.

  1. SharePoint On-premises: Traditional on-premise implementation.
  2. SharePoint Online: Moving completely to the cloud.
  3. SharePoint Hybrid: Adopting a blend of on-premise and online SharePoint.

How we deliver

As a Microsoft partner and SharePoint specialist, we can assist Australian businesses with migration, upgrades, support and implementation of SharePoint and complementary Microsoft technologies.

Microsoft SharePoint is a document management system and collaborative tool that businesses use as an intranet and CMS portal. SharePoint provides staff with better access to documents and information and a concept of synergy where everyone within the business is on the same page, and key stakeholders can make informed decisions.

Our team’s technical skill-set is difficult to match. We are specialised in designing, developing and implementing SharePoint solutions to meet specific business objectives of organisations. SharePoint can integrate your existing software or technology such as CRM, Microsoft 365 or business intelligence tools.

A few of Terrance areas of expertise include:

  • Business process mapping
  • Business workflow automation
  • Enterprise content management
  • Installation, hosting and configuration

Our SharePoint technical know-how is successfully used to develop a:

  • Student management solution
  • Employee management system
  • Case/Event management portal
  • Donor management system
  • Client management solution
  • Staff portal
  • Mobile assessment tools

Benefits of SharePoint to you business

SharePoint can streamline business processes and make it easy to collect and store data in one place. It also encourages information sharing, transparency, team collaboration, boosts productivity and benefits your business in the following ways:

  • Improves the management of data.
  • Simplifies business functions and workflows.
  • Adheres to strict regulatory compliance and data security.
  • Highly optimised for content delivery.
  • Robust functionality and customisations.

Contact us about our SharePoint

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